At the time of publishing the journal, DLC Image-Pratibimba, we have to thank the Principal of the college Dr. Gargi Dutta Paul madam and Vice-Principal Dr. Swapna Manindranath Deka madam for their great help and encouragement to us. We have also to thank our co-editors, Dr. Indrani Medhi, Dr. Pallabi Baruah and Mr. Kamal Medhi for their help. I have also to mention Mrs. Pallavi Neog, Librarian of the College library and technical editor of the journal for her great help. At last, we have to thank our contributors, without their writings it will be not possible to publish the journal. We have also to thank our members from the faculty Ms. Jyotshna Saloi, Dr. Suranjana Kalita and Dr. Niju Moni Das for their constant support.
Thank you all.