DLC IMAGE: PRATIBIMBO http://image.dispurlawcollege.org/index.php/image <p><em>DLCIMAGE: PRATIBIMBO’–is an interdisciplinary bilingual (English &amp;amp; Assamese) journal where the researchers can submit their articles of any discipline. This is a peer-reviewed e-journal. The researcher can choose the topic of their own related fields like English, Political Science, Sociology, History, Law, Economics, Public Policy, and any other subject of social science.</em></p> <p> </p> <p><em><strong><u>JOURNAL PARTICULARS</u></strong></em></p> <p><em><strong>TITLE:</strong> <strong>DLC IMAGE: PRATIBIMBO</strong></em></p> <p><em><strong>FREQUENCY:</strong> Half-yearly</em></p> <p><em><strong>ISSN:</strong> 2583-8881</em></p> <p><em><strong>PUBLISHER: </strong>Principal, Dispur Law College, Dispur, Guwahati</em></p> <p><em><strong>CHIEF-EDITOR: </strong>Dr Jintu Borah, Assistant Professor in English, Dispur Law College</em></p> <p><em><strong>COPYRIGHT: </strong>Copyright: Principal, Dispur Law College, Dispur, Guwahati</em></p> <p><em><strong>STARTING YEAR: </strong>2022</em></p> <p><em><strong>SUBJECTS: </strong>Multi-disciplinary subjects</em></p> <p><em><strong>LANGUAGE: </strong>BILINGUAL (ENGLISH &amp; ASSAMESE)</em></p> <p><em><strong>PUBLICATION FORMAT: </strong>ONLINE</em></p> <p><em><strong>INSTITUTIONAL CONTACT NO: </strong>6002909358</em></p> <p><em><strong>INSTITUTIONAL EMAIL-ID: </strong>info@dispurlawcollege.org</em></p> <p><em><strong>WEBSITE:</strong> www.dispurlawcollege.org</em></p> <p><em><strong>ADDRESS:</strong> Dispur Law College</em></p> <p><em> Dharmananda Das Avenue,</em></p> <p><em> Dispur, Last Gate,</em></p> <p><em> Guwahati-781006, Assam, India.</em></p> Dispur Law College en-US DLC IMAGE: PRATIBIMBO 2583-8881 The Organization of Justice During the Ahom Rule: Its Legacy and Continuity http://image.dispurlawcollege.org/index.php/image/article/view/15 <p>Not Available</p> Indrani Medhi Copyright (c) 2024 DLC IMAGE: PRATIBIMBO 2024-03-04 2024-03-04 2 1 1 7 Why has Portia Disguised Herself as a Male Lawyer? http://image.dispurlawcollege.org/index.php/image/article/view/16 <p><em>William Shakespeare’s ‘The Merchant of Venice’ (1600) is a remarkable tragi-comedy and </em><br><em>here Bassanio’s wife Portia is a remarkable character. Bassanio, the citizen of Venice, </em><br><em>loves Portia but his financial condition is not good. So, he approaches his friend Antonio. </em><br><em>Antonio takes loans from the cruel money lender Jew Shylock on a bond sign that he has </em><br><em>to return the money on a certain date and failure to repay the debt Shylock will cut a pound </em><br><em>of flesh from Antonio’s heart. Antonio agrees it. But due to the delay of his ships from </em><br><em>business he is unable to pay the debt. And Antonio demands the flesh according to the bond </em><br><em>Shylock is able to take the flesh from near Antonio’s heart. At that time Bassanio’s lover </em><br><em>Portia has rescued him in the disguise of a male advocate named Balthazar. She has an </em><br><em>assistant Nerissa (who is the lover of Bassanio’s friend Gratiano) who is also disguised </em><br><em>herself as a male assistant. </em><br><em>Till now the topic is discussed focusing on the ingenuity of Portia. But here it is trying to </em><br><em>focus on a different perspective. Why does Portia disguise herself as a male lawyer instead </em><br><em>of a female lawyer? </em><br><em>The research article is all about the above question and the probable various answers.</em></p> Jintu Borah Copyright (c) 2024 DLC IMAGE: PRATIBIMBO 2024-03-04 2024-03-04 2 1 08 11 Threatened Life of Weaker Section of People on Border Areas of Assam: Report of A Case Study http://image.dispurlawcollege.org/index.php/image/article/view/17 <p><em>Poverty is a facet of developing nations like India and it is quite common in fringe areas </em><br><em>in border districts of states like Assam. At the same time these areas are disturbed with </em><br><em>illegal infiltration and other unlawful activities. An attempt to discuss poverty and </em><br><em>economic status of weaker section of people especially women along the International </em><br><em>border areas in Assam in the light of contemporary migration is made through field studies. </em><br><em>The study emphasized on quality and support of life of weaker section of people in study </em><br><em>area. Emphasis was also given to push and pull factors of historic and contemporary </em><br><em>migration along with factors associated with border trade and extra national interest. </em><br><em>Three case studies are reported with recommendations to policy makers.</em></p> Plabita Saikia Copyright (c) 2024 DLC IMAGE: PRATIBIMBO 2024-03-04 2024-03-04 2 1 12 16 The Emperor Jones and the Study of Identity and Racial Memory http://image.dispurlawcollege.org/index.php/image/article/view/18 <p>Not available</p> Sumanta Rajbanshi Copyright (c) 2024 DLC IMAGE: PRATIBIMBO 2024-03-04 2024-03-04 2 1 17 20 Artificial Intelligence and the Judiciary: Exploring the Technological Landscape of Law http://image.dispurlawcollege.org/index.php/image/article/view/19 <p><em>A computer system capable of doing activities that would normally need the intellect of a </em><br><em>human being is referred to as Artificial Intelligence. Machine learning, which entails </em><br><em>gathering the rules and knowledge for utilizing the data, is the engine that drives Artificial </em><br><em>Intelligence systems. Considering that Artificial Intelligence is founded on the data service </em><br><em>sectors, it has become very popular and essential in recent years. Artificial Intelligence is </em><br><em>a transformative technology that is having a positive impact on our lives. Additionally, it </em><br><em>actively contributes to our daily activities by serving as an indication for meetings and </em><br><em>offering recommendations for articles and news that align with our interests. It not only </em><br><em>alters the way people interact with the digital environment but also how they interact with </em><br><em>one another, both in their professional endeavours and within socio-economic </em><br><em>organizations. The use of Artificial Intelligence in the legal sector has transformed this </em><br><em>traditional activity by offering revolutionary developments in the realm of legal research </em><br><em>and teaching. To guarantee a beneficial influence of Artificial Intelligence, it is essential </em><br><em>for all stakeholders to actively engage in discussions about Artificial Intelligence. This </em><br><em>article aims to investigate the potential benefits of incorporating Artificial Intelligence </em><br><em>technology into the legal sector. The study further examines the disadvantages of </em><br><em>integrating Artificial Intelligence into the legal system as well as investigates its </em><br><em>implications, the legislation that governs its use, and the potential challenges that may </em><br><em>arise.</em></p> Himashree Konwar Copyright (c) 2024 DLC IMAGE: PRATIBIMBO 2024-03-04 2024-03-04 2 1 21 29